Part 27: It's a Boat time
Chapter 27 - It's a Boat time
Ok, can someone tell me what the hell is wrong here? Maybe someone can check the Japanese version.

WHAT A MORAL DILEMA! What a terrible line to cross! Wearing Shinra uniforms? That's just too much sir, you've lost the high ground.

The cannon shoots at us and we die, end of the story.

The second we see what's going on in the boat I'm already looting things.

I wonder what kind of assholes choose "Nope".

I wonder what do Hypers taste like. Red Bull?

When they release the FF7 Remake (never) I want the option to play the group's adventure to get Shinra uniforms and get inside the boat instead of the mini-games we endured with Cloud.

Asking about Computer Screens and Materia wasn't working. Aeris is trying new ways to flirt with Cloud.

But really, she is just disappointing herself.

A whole newww wooorld.

Oh for fuck's sake Cloud.

When I look at these walls I can only think of Portal.

My first instinct is to look around searching for a white paint.


You can pay the dude for the drink and it will restore your HP and MP.

Jesus Tifa, snap out of it for a second.

You're so flippy.

When we get down, we see a guy moving very weirdly.

He keeps walking sideways, like a crab, almost losing balance.

So, is Red XIII the opposite of a furry? How do you call an animal who likes to dress like a human?

A Fleshy?

What do they wear? A Fleshsuit? God that's terrifying.

Next thing you know he's writing fanfics.

It's hard to capture the humor of this scene in screenshots, but when you finish the conversation he turns away and you can see the tail.

It's funny how even your party members see Barret as the guy you have to keep an eye on so he doesn't go and do Barretisms.

Like that oh god what are you doing we're gonna get caught.

I'm glad you're so self-aware, Barret. It's been established that in FF7's world shooting at people will scratch them at best.

Well technically it wasn't any of them.

Here's a song with an appropriate name for this scene.

I like how helpless Cloud looks. Like "Gee, what am I supposed to do? I'm surrounded with crazy".

Barret is gonna shoot them and nothing is gonna happen.


You're not exactly stealthy, you know.

I think it's time to get serious. Remember that creepy music from that time in Shinra HQ when we woke up and everyone was dead? Surprise, it's playing now.

Of course it's never easy to take things seriously with Barret.

Oh yes, we're really fucking close now. We've been pursuing him since Midgar, and now we're at the same boat.

I imagine them arguing this venting off all their heat to each other because JESUS CHRIST WE'RE GONNA DIE

See, this is the correct answer. If you're in a boat with the most powerful soldier in the world who just came back from the dead and is on a murder spree, "Not me" is pretty appropriate.

Of course, that means we're putting her in our group, because we're really a bunch of assholes and because Team FFX-2.

Everyone is dead downstairs. While not as spooky as the HQ, this is also pretty creepy.

We equip [Headbands] here because the enemies are very annoying and cast sleep, and we want to fight them because they have an excellent armor for us to steal.

[Shinra Beta]. The good thing is that the soldiers come in groups of 3.

Have you thought about how long we've been looting items without a proper boss fight?

We also pick this up in the second floor of the engine room.

[Wind Slash] is the Force Stealer equivalent to Yuffie, with Double growth and all. We're gonna be collecting the Double growth weapons from now on.

While fighting, we get Yuffie's 3-2, [Doom of the Living]. We're gonna use it soon, as we'll have to.

Yup that was him. Game over guys, hope you enjoyed the LP.

It's worth to mention he actually comes from under the fucking floor, floating.


Instead he just ignores us.

He literally flies away and we start a battle. Almost none of the boss fights in the game have any climatic build-up to indicate we're gonna fight a boss.

Holy crap we're fighting Jenova.
The first thing about this fight is that this fight has a completely different music we haven't heard before.
And the music is awesome.
The second, and most important, is that this fight is very hard. It's normal for people to stop here and give up, because if you haven't been looting stuff and optimizing your materias, it can be really brutal.
I recommend you watching the video to understand how challenging it is.

Ok, I'm just kidding, this fight is a breeze like the others. On the other hand, I got really tired of using Limits to completely obliterate these bosses so I'm not gonna be using them anymore, I think I proved my point that limits are stupid and we don't really need to see more of them.

Hahahahahahhahha thank you Yuffie for showing us a bit of humanity.

Maybe he's just a Pink Floyd fan.

None of us do, sister. My Bloody Valentine is what's hot right now.

Kalm down, woman.

Plot summary time. I was thinking about doing one for you guys these days but I'm glad Cloud decided to do the recap.

He was actually just carrying a Day of Tentacle Plushie.

Nothing like a tropical paradise to relax after being locked in a boat with a mass murderer and his alien mother.

[Ifrit] is another summon materia. It's Fire-themed. I promise I'll show it to you guys later together with Shiva.
Sun! Beaches! Expensive houses! Bossa Nova!
Awesome music we've listened to in this chapter:
J-E-N-O-V-A - Played, well, during Jenova's fight. One of my favorite musics in the game.
bLiNd - JENOVA Celestial - A very good OC Remix.
Chapter 27 - Bugs & Bytes
Pre-Emptive Attack
Most of you have probably noticed that we started with Jenova facing backwards. Remember Aps in the Sewers? Jenova is one of the few bosses in the game where you have a 6% chance of starting with a pre-emptive, which guarantees us a critical in the first hit from Meteorain.

Bet you didn't think I'd have an image to post this chapter, eh?
On another subject, I'm gonna be starting a thread that is in some ways the opposite of what I'm doing here. It's gonna be a "Let's make", more or less like a Dev Blog for the game I've been working on lately.